Ochrona siedlisk mokradłowych doliny Górnej Biebrzy


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The project „Preservation of wetland habitats in the upper Biebrza Valley” LIFE11/NAT/PL/422 is co-financed by LIFE+ - the financial instrument of the European Commission, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and Biebrza National Park.




The most precious habitats within project area under protection of Natura 2000 and project activities are:

- alkaline fens – the biggest areas of these peatlands can still be found by the Biebrza River in the upper valley. They are home to many rare species of orchids, e.g. Marsh Helleborine, Anacamptis palustris or Liparis loeselii and birds, e.g. the Aquatic Warbler, the Corn Crake, the Montagu’s Harrier or the Black Grouse;

- transitional mires and bogs – these are important habitats for common cottongrass, alpine bulrush or Drepanocladus vernicosus, and nesting grounds for the Crane or the Little Crake;

- molinia meadows – these are the most precious semi-natural plant communities in Poland. They are important also for birds. They have been developed, among others, thanks to traditional farming;

- bog woodlands – these are valuable refugia for numerous raptors, e.g. the Greater Spotted Eagle or woodpackers such as the rare White-backed Woodpecker. We will also find here a very common bog cranberry.


Contact data

Osowiec - Twierdza 8
19-110 Goniądz

+48 85 738 06 20
+48 85 738 30 10

fax: +48 85 738 30 21




Opening Hours

8:00 - 15:00


CC 3.0: Preservation of wetland habitats in the upper Biebrza Valley
Consents settings, Project and execution: extranet.pl
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