Ochrona siedlisk mokradłowych doliny Górnej Biebrzy


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The project „Preservation of wetland habitats in the upper Biebrza Valley” LIFE11/NAT/PL/422 is co-financed by LIFE+ - the financial instrument of the European Commission, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and Biebrza National Park.

  • Contact us


Correspondence address:

Biebrza National Park, Osowiec Twierdza 8, 19-110 Goniądz, Poland

tel. +48 85 738 06 20;  fax +48 85 738 30 21

e-mail: anna.bojsza@biebrza.org.pl


The project’s office: 

Leśniczówka Trzyrzeczki

Kuderewszczyzna 19

16-200 Dąbrowa Białostocka, Poland

e-mail: anna.bojsza@biebrza.org.pl

Contact data

Osowiec - Twierdza 8
19-110 Goniądz

+48 85 738 06 20
+48 85 738 30 10

fax: +48 85 738 30 21




Opening Hours

8:00 - 15:00


CC 3.0: Preservation of wetland habitats in the upper Biebrza Valley
Consents settings, Project and execution: extranet.pl
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